On Monday I left the house for an adventure. That was my first mistake. I believe it was stupid drivers day. To give a couple of examples: I stopped at a local nursery to pick up some ant killer cause we have some serious ants in our garden that need to be taken care of. As I was driving into the parking lot I noticed a girl walking towards her car with a load to fill up. We locked eyes so I know she saw me. Then I parked two stalls away from her (with no car between us) again I know she saw me because as I got out of the car our eyes met again. I started walking towards the store and had to walk behind her car to get to the stairs to the entrance. Again, not a big deal because I knew she had seen me. As I was just going across the back of her car she started it up. Not a big deal because I knew she had seen me and I wasn't startled. It's when she started backing up as I was still behind her car that I freaked out! Seriously? We had all that lead up and you didn't remember me? Yikes! After I left the nursery I noticed some other bad drivers but for the life of me I can't remember what they were now. Maybe it will come back to me. The one incident was enough to make we want to go home and not leave.
Yesterday the little guy I work with privately cancelled due to illness so I was able to spend the afternoon with my dad. B, my dad and I went out for lunch to the Bread Company. It was very yummy! After in which I met up with my dad at the park close to the base of Knox mountain. There is a boat launch there and it's very entertaining to watch people launch and take their boats out of the water there. As I arrived to the park I knew it was going to be an entertaining day at the park because I had to stop to allow a guy who was walking his boat, like a dog, cross the street. It was a kayak or a canoe and he was dragging it behind him with a rope. Allowing it to scrap against the pavement! Don't you want your boat to last? It's going to get wrecked strange man! (This is what I yelled internally but of course just watched in disbelief). Yep, gonna be a good people watching day! Seriously this park has got it going on. There's a lot of people watching to do. They always seem to have fun stuff set up for kids to be a part of. Yesterday there was a bouncy house and games set up everywhere. Last week there were your simple games blown up to gigantic size. Such as connect four, but now it stood as high as me instead of a table top size. It's always a fun day at this park.
Yesterday there was also a tai-chi group. I think that's what they're called. Where it looks like they're doing ti-kwon-do in slow motion? Anyways I really had to resist the urge of running through them or dodging through them like they were pylons. My dad helped me to resist that urge. But we laughed about how it would look and the reactions we would get from doing it. It was really fun to watch them because there was always one person who was doing their own thing. Just making up their own moves. So funny!
There was also the birds. The birds there are funny to watch. There are some that literally dive into the water head first and catch fish. It's quite amazing to watch. Then there are the seagulls that fight over a piece of hamburger one guy left on the beach. There goes your lunch dude! He laughed and was surprised that it would create such a ruckus amongst his bird friends.
Next time you come to town, or if you live in town, we are going to this park. We will get slurpees and go and enjoy our afternoon people watching. So much fun and very relaxing. The park has the right amount of sun vs shade so you're guaranteed to be comfortable.
Health update: (Warning this may be too much info)
Wow, today I'm emotional! It's so weird! Little stupid things seem to set off the waterworks and I'm not even sad. (No I'm not pregnant). My cycle just started yesterday. First time it's started on it's own without help for 8 months. I know tmi but seriously so exciting! I just started a new medication last month and it has helped clear my mind. I feel like my old self again. I'm actually happy and joyful! It's called Metformin and it's usually used as a diabetic drug (I don't have diabetes) and it also has a positive reaction for girls with PCOS due to the insulin resistance my body has, it helps my body regulate itself. I feel like our journey (although not an easy one by any means) has brought me closer to my loving father in heaven! I had a daydream the other day where I saw him holding me close. He knows my heart. He feels my pain. And he also knows what he's doing. Just an overwhelming peace came over me at that moment and I feel so rejuvenated. Is this too much info to share? Until next time,