Saturday, May 28, 2011

I had a dream

Pretty sure Inigo is the cutest little bird ever. He's finally starting to come around. Two days ago he allowed me to bring him out of his cage (He usually needs to be tricked to allow me to do that). I thought maybe it was a fluke so I let him go back in and tried again. Walla! He allowed me to do it again. I did it a third time and was convinced that we had finally overcome that hurdle. Now he's trainable. So that's of course what I did yesterday. I trained him a new trick of coming from one finger to the other without touching him. All I say is come and he does it. Not believing that this trick was transferable B said, "I'm going to try" and while Inigo sat on my shoulder B held his finger away (about 3 or 4 inches away) and said, "come" and Inigo jumped onto his finger! Walla again. We have a new trick in our repertoire. So exciting. I love that the more he gets use to me the warmer his feet get...sometimes they get so hot it becomes uncomfortable. I just think he's so cute. He's been playing with his chirp lately and it's coming out so cute. B says it sounds like an old man grumbling under his breath, but to me it sounds like a really cute squeaky toy. We've also been trying to teach him how to talk and say the word "hello" to him a lot during each day. His progress on this trick so far is to move his beak with no sound coming out each time we say it. Hopefully we'll have success on this trick soon. It would be so exciting! We really want to teach him the phrase, "my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die". Haha! I think it would be funny.

I've had some really weird dreams lately. The first one was that B and his brother T and I went shopping to the Bay and they had a chocolate display that I really wanted to see. But the boys said we didn't have time for it. I was upset but then when we got out to the car they realized they forgot to get the board game that they went there for. So we went back in. The chocolate display was on the way to the game section, so I stayed in that section as they went to get the game. They were so fast and I hardly got to see anything but it was time to go. T was so proud and held up the game far past his head in victory. So we left. Than as we got back to where we were staying (it wasn't any place I recognized) I got the sneezes. Except each time I sneezed this little thing would come out. I swore they looked like the tiniest crabs I ever did see, but everyone else was saying they were tadpoles that were in the process of turning into frogs. Than I sneezed a big sneeze and out came this big slimy thing which was in fact a full size frog. It was a gross dream to say the least. However, B already knew what I was dreaming about because I had been talking in my sleep about frogs. haha

I've had a couple other weird dreams since than but that one was probably the strangest of them all.

Anyways, I should go. I said I was going to have a nap but I see that possibility slowly being sucked away since it's already 4:30. I am sick. Boo! I hate being sick! It started on Tuesday and has just slowly gotten worse. I was sent home from work on Wednesday one hour into my shift I broke out in a fever and couldn't stay even though I so badly wanted to. One of my kids was doing so great and it's so hard to leave when you can see them progressing in front of your eyes. And slowly through the week the workers started getting picked off one by one with some sort of illness. Yikes!!! Must be that time of the year.

Anyways, there is more to update on, but I'll have to save some of it for another time because this entry is already long winded and a little all over the place.

Until next time

Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday night

This last week was exhausting to say the least but I survived. Yay! And I decided that I would write you an update to tell you a little bit about it. I had an emotional day today because one of the little guys that I use to work with had his last day today. It's so hard to say goodbye. At the same time I had a hilarious moment today at work also. I was talking to one little kid about shovels and the different uses it has...and then I said, "Well, that's pretty much it" and he looked at me and said, "Chelle, don't say that word". I was like, what word? And then replayed what I said and then understood that he thought I had said a four letter word. haha...I explained to his mom when she got there what had happened in case he tells her that I had used a bad word in our play today. haha....Oh man, my face was red.

After work B and I went on a date night. We went for sushi dinner and then went and saw the movie "Bridesmaids". It was hilarious. So many funny parts. It was an amazing date night. Holding hands in the movie theatre was fun and cute and we gave a high five when one of the couples on the movie announced where they had gone on their honeymoon.

I missed my bird today. Now that we're home he hasn't said anything. I think he's mad at us for not being home all day and not letting him out of his cage. The door is open now and he still hasn't come out. That's weird for him. He's a little Tony Hawk...such a skater punk attitude.

Well, until next time,
Thanks for stopping by and stay classy

Friday, May 06, 2011

Walking through the Forest (I'm not really, I just couldn't think of a clever title)

Emotional. I think that is what best describes me today. I don't know what is bringing it on, but weird things are triggering me today. I may just be over tired from a long week of work. Or the upcoming holiday may be triggering some emotions I have buried deep. I think it's the earlier of the two since it seems to be really weird things that make me tear up. I also think I have a cold coming on and this may or may not be playing with my feelings a bit. But I'm not going to whine about it ;)

My momma came into town today. It is really nice to see her. She's a bit quirky....ok a lot quirky but she's my mom! Today with all the kids I worked with I made them each make a Mother's Day card. It's the least I could have done. I often wonder about the parents of the children I work with. They must battle a field of emotions on an ongoing occurrence. I'm very thankful for all the mom's in this world do. Their insight and care and compassion are truly admired.

Wow, that was a lot more cheesy than I was planning and it doesn't really make sense as I read over it...but am I going to go back and re-type it? Nope. Do I really care? Nope. I'm sure people can hear my heart in their somewhere and it may have a glimmer of something sensible. Whateves. Anyways...

Happy Mother's Day


Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Long Winded update

Today is Wednesday and what a great day it was. Sunshine was brought to my day today during circle time at work. We were cheering for something that had happened and then one little boy started cheering out, "Bravo, bravo". It was so funny and unexpected it made all of the teachers laugh.

I really enjoyed my very short day of work. Then I came home and got dreadfully ill and spent the next 2 hours in the washroom. Uncomfortable to say the least. I'm glad now that what ever it was that was in my system has now passed and I feel much better. Just worn out and dang tired.

I got a message from my doctor today that the drugs I'm on haven't taken part yet and I have to go for another blood test on Monday. Geez Louise, I am starting to feel like a pin cushion. Oh well...gotta do what ya gotta do I guess.

I'm babysitting the two G's this evening and they are good! They had a lot of fun riding their bikes and then coming in for reading time. Yesterday when it was bed time, instead of reading a story the old fashion know with a book, we listened to a Robert Munsch story on you tube. Did you know that you can watch videos of him reading his own stories? Very entertaining.

I visited the book lady again today. I love the book lady. We have nice little chats while I'm there and every time I go I have to re-introduce myself to her. I'm sure she has a lot of people that come by. Anyways, all that to say today she remembered me. And we chatted and her dog didn't even bark at me this time. I must be becoming a regular...even though I haven't been there in over a month. I picked up a nice selection of books and when the two G's came in and found them they were happy with my choices. Yay!

Mr. Inigo is starting to try and talk. Between B and I we spend a minimum of 20 minutes a day repeating the word "Hello" to him. He started moving his beak now when we say it and it's just a matter of time before he starts to say it. It's so cute. Yesterday he was really playing with sounds and they were so cute. He really is quite the character. My sister has nicknamed him "Tony Hawk" because he acts like a skateboarder sliding down the top of his cage and doing tricks.

Well I think that's all I can update you on thus far. Until next time,
Keep it Classy and thanks for stopping by
