I've had some really weird dreams lately. The first one was that B and his brother T and I went shopping to the Bay and they had a chocolate display that I really wanted to see. But the boys said we didn't have time for it. I was upset but then when we got out to the car they realized they forgot to get the board game that they went there for. So we went back in. The chocolate display was on the way to the game section, so I stayed in that section as they went to get the game. They were so fast and I hardly got to see anything but it was time to go. T was so proud and held up the game far past his head in victory. So we left. Than as we got back to where we were staying (it wasn't any place I recognized) I got the sneezes. Except each time I sneezed this little thing would come out. I swore they looked like the tiniest crabs I ever did see, but everyone else was saying they were tadpoles that were in the process of turning into frogs. Than I sneezed a big sneeze and out came this big slimy thing which was in fact a full size frog. It was a gross dream to say the least. However, B already knew what I was dreaming about because I had been talking in my sleep about frogs. haha
I've had a couple other weird dreams since than but that one was probably the strangest of them all.
Anyways, I should go. I said I was going to have a nap but I see that possibility slowly being sucked away since it's already 4:30. I am sick. Boo! I hate being sick! It started on Tuesday and has just slowly gotten worse. I was sent home from work on Wednesday one hour into my shift I broke out in a fever and couldn't stay even though I so badly wanted to. One of my kids was doing so great and it's so hard to leave when you can see them progressing in front of your eyes. And slowly through the week the workers started getting picked off one by one with some sort of illness. Yikes!!! Must be that time of the year.
Anyways, there is more to update on, but I'll have to save some of it for another time because this entry is already long winded and a little all over the place.
Until next time