Well, I wasn't expecting to have the time or the internet access this soon in our journey but lucky for you we have time to kill and the internet on our side to give you a little update on our journey so far. We are sitting in the Calgary airport waiting for our first flight to board, about an hour left to go. Why do we have to be here so early? Anyways, we had breakfast with my dad first thing this morning at Denny's and we were able to see Sharilin hard at work because she was working there this morning. I had the the incredible yummy bbq chicken for breakfast (It's was dinner time in London ok?) and Brenton had the bacon and eggs special. Yum! It was great socializing with my Dad, I feel like I haven't seen him for so long. We were able to catch up on all the ongoings and he is actually at the beginning of his own trip today. He's going to Kelowna. Funny how that happens. He is hoping to be back on the same day we arrive back too. So crazy!
Well, I had this one big elaborate post written up that continued for a lengthy time and lost it all because the internet in the airport was sketchy and it made me mad and now I can't remember what I had rambled about.
New update though, our flight was great, other than the screaming children that kept us awake the whole time. Our day in Manchester was incredible to see all the cool looking buildings and the fancy clothes the women wear. And our trip to Edinburgh was smooth sailing and has so far been a huge success. I found out that one of my friends from high school has just moved here about a month ago so we have plans to go for dinner with her on Thursday evening. She gave us a few hints on what to hit up and we plan to do just that.
Well until later, gotta get out the door.