Last night I had a nightmare that one of my co-workers came over and the kitchen was in it's array that it was and I was so embarrassed. So I woke up knowing that it was clean house day and that little nightmare really pumped me up to get it done. So it will be done by 2:30! Yes. I just set myself a goal and it's an attainable goal! It's really just a matter of washing 2 pots, wiping the counters and cleaning the bathrooms and then finishing the laundry. Not a big deal at all!
This past weekend was a weekend of relaxation. Saturday consisted of sleeping in and watching movies, I eventually ventured out and went to B's parents house and had a visit while B worked on his car. (He was painting the bumper). Than I came home and had a quiet evening to myself while B was at a hockey game with his Dad. I watched a show on TLC called Women of Block 6 or something like that. And it was good. It's about these prison inmates and their journey and stories. After watching it I decided I never want to go to jail. (Like it had crossed my mind before). Later that night I had a dream that one of my cousins was going to jail and I was sad. Than it turned out that all she had to do was run errands. It was weird.
Sunday was a funny day. I went up to the Sunday school classroom that I helped out in last year and I waited for the young lady that I work with to show up. About halfway through the morning someone asked me don't you work with so and so and I was like yeah. And they said, you realize that she's in grade 2 now right? I was shocked and then said, well of course she is. I was in the wrong classroom. So I went to the grade 2 classroom to find out that she had stayed home sick. If any day to screw up I picked a good one because no one was the wiser..haha. In the first class I had this one little boy cuddle up to me and play with my sweater and tell me a story about it. I have no idea what he was saying but man was he a cute kid! He reminded me of my nephew when he was that age. So sweet. He made my day.
The rest of the day was pretty casual. We went for lunch with B's parents and Grandma and then came home and had a lazy day. Watching movies and doing a whole lot of nothing really. I had a nap and that was about it. B had gone off to pick and pull and went to his parents house to divide the hockey season tickets. Good times.
Now that it's Monday I am gearing up for the week. I enjoy my job so much, but by the time Friday came last week I was in need of a weekend. Just a close out the world type of weekend and now that I've had that I feel great!
Alright, I better get back to cleaning if I'm going to reach my goal. Until next time