Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Pictures from the party days. Read the previous post for more details

Cameron and Becky.
The incredible Spiderman cake that Dawn made. She should go on the show...Someone's got talent.

I like this picture of Gab and Corrie working on a toy car.

This is what happens when you've had a house full of kids that aren't yours. Take it from Corrie, it's an eye opening experience.

Below: The boys playing with their cars.

Dawn is always doing something to get the camera to notice her. haha.

Below...Grace helping Dawn in the kitchen.

Me and Gracey.

Grace with a big spoon of Rice Krispie Squares.

Grace likes to crawl in the table.

This is Gabriel as Batman! Chloe is beside him
as a superhero princess.

Gabriel (below) is him opening presents.

Gabriel eating rice krispie squares out of the bowl.

Gabriel and Grace both eating some yummy treats. Perfect kodak moment...they're so cute.

Dawn and Gab in Brandon. How did this picture get in here? Oh's cute.

Corrie and Grace playin' with a balloon.

Corrie smokin' some pretty awesome tasting stuff. Tastes like apples.

This picture is awesome. Uncle Cameron with Gabriel playing a game.

The Best Weekend Party

Gabriel's birthday party was a blast. Where should I start. How about the kids birthday party on Saturday. We all dressed up as our favorite superhero. It was awesome! Gabriel came as Batman. When he answered the door to greet his friends he proudly proclaimed, "My mom's the Incredible Hulk!" He was so proud. It was also awesome that she, my sister, would be behind him to greet the children with a scary welcome. One child was too afraid to join the party. His mom had to convince him that everything was going to be ok. Once he got into it though he and Gabriel were unseperatable. The party started with lunch being served. We had Hawaiian pizza. I was happy because that's my favorite kind of pizza. Want your way? Give me some hawaiian pizza and you'll get it. haha. After lunch we played this game with the silly string. It was representing Spiderman's webbing technique. The object of the game was to see who could best web the action figure. It came to a close score, but I'd have to say Chloe won. She has mad skills yo. One child was so confused because of silly string coming from his can there was a bright pink mist. We checked the can and found that it was actually neon hairspray. haha. Thank goodness the little girl, Chloe, who was wearing a white satin dress was untouched by such a bright dye. After this game we turned our attention to coloring our favorite action hero. After our picture was colored we attached a magnet to the back. I think the adults were more into this activity than the kids. This lasted a while but while the adults were entertained with the coloring aspect of the activity the chillin's were busy entertaining themselves. We soon played a scavenger hunt game. That was a lot of fun....for us spectators. The chillin's seemed to lose interest in the hunt about 20 - 25 mins into it. Corrie finally gave a very specific clue to where the superhero action ring was hiding. Finally Chloe found the ring and when the prize was presented to her she politely refused. With some convincing she did take the prize..... for her sister. haha. After this activity we had some birthday cake. Gabriel's face of excitement when he saw the cake was priceless. Gab was so gracious when he allowed the candle he had just blown out to be relite so a little boy could blow it out too. The cake Dawn made was unbelievable. Next Gabriel opened his presents. There was one little boy there, the age of 3, who didn't really understand why Gabriel got to open presents and he didn't. So he had a little mental breakdown. I was shocked at what his friends brought him. Gift one: A hoodie. Awesome, kind of weird, but awesome. The second gift was a hoodie. Ok, still weird, but awesome. Gift 3 was a neat art supply and chinese crackers, awesome. Gift 4 and 5 were both hoodies. The kid scored 4 hoodies from a kids party. Does anyone else find this weird? When I was five turning six I believe I got toys from my friends and clothes from my family. But ok. Poor Gab looked appreciative, but slightly disappointed. The night before he went through his toys to make room for his new ones. The rest of the time the kids played with Gab's new art and crafts gifts until it was time for them to go home.
The next day instead of going to church Dawn, Grace and I stayed back to get a head start on the dinner for the family and friends birthday party. What a party it was too. Corrie, Jared and I all had a break for Dawn out in the backyard before the party started. Dawn made an exceptional meal. Turkey dinner! YUM. I only wish I took a picture of the delicious spread. I helped by putting the cranberry sauce in a bowl. And I left it as a big blob! Yeah! I'm awesome. I thought it looked funny. Gab's gifts were awesome too. He received a blowup Spiderman bed that's totally travel fun. Also a Superman action toy. A Batman game to be played on the tv. Some awesome Action hero shoes. His mom and dad got him some pretty amazing electronic remote control cars. That was by far the biggest hit. He received so many more toys and cool stuff too. What a happy kid.
The cake Dawn made for the family and friends party was also amazing. KUDOS DAWN....I HOLLA A SHOUT OUT AT CHA SISTA.
The next day, Monday Gabriel came to me and said, "Aunty M, you only have..." then he looked down at his hand to count, then looked up at me with sad little eyes and said, "no more sleeps here....if you want you can stay for one more sleep." How do you say no to that? You put the blame on your brother. And that's what I did. Plus it was the truth. haha. It was one of the best weekends ever.
I know some of this stuff is repeated from a prior post...but it just makes the story complete when it's all together...ya know?

Friday, February 23, 2007

Who Cut the Parsley??????

Today at work I had a funny day. I don't know why but I was kind of hyper. No wait, that's me pretty much every day except the days that I'm grumpy. Anyways, I found my day to be more funny than most days. When I first got to work I decided I would cut the parsley. No not the cheese, the parsley. But while I was walking out of the cooler with the two bunches I put them together and then started walking really slowly. Yes, I was pretending they were a bouquet. You never know when you'll be asked to be a bridesmaid. Well, I wasn't expecting an audience. As I neared the parsley's gillotine I noticed my audience watching me contently. I stopped and she burst out laughing. Awesome, it is my job to make those around me smile. First victim..*cough* I mean my first success of the day. Then I started chopping frantically. Ok, maybe that was a little melodramatic but it also drew the attention of an audience. While I was cutting the parsley I said outloud..."This relationship is over". haha. My Apparently all that I do is noteworthy today. I hope you brought your notepad and take notes. But she said to me (my new audience) "It's scary how you can go from sweet to crazy, cutting everything up in sight in a split second." I think she has some parsley issues.
Later on in the day I was talking to the new guy. He's a little hard to read so far...I don't know what his sense of humour is yet. But I told him something funny and instead of the normal laughing response he actually said/spelled "LOL". I laughed at his response and he just looked at me. I stopped laughing immedietly and then told him, "You know you're allowed to actually don't have to spell it out." He just walked away.
I have a question for all you people who don't read my blog....and for those of you that do read my blog...I'm thinking I'm going to get a better response from the people that read my blog than from the people who don't read my blog...I don't know why, it's just a hunch. Anyways, my question to all of you is this: Who is your favorite children story author? My favorite is Robert Munch. Love him. L O V E him. Who's yours?

Monday, February 19, 2007

Dirty Minds

This weekend was Gabriel's birthday weekend. If you don't know who Gabriel is you obviously don't know me. Or you just don't listen to me when I talk about my nephew and niece. STOP tuning me out. haha. Anywho. It was Gabriel's(my nephew for you slow people) 6th birthday party. First though I was taken to a wedding shower. Most of the time everyone just ooo's and ahhh's but at this shower the word "sex" and the word "penis" were yelled out at the top of one's lungs. Yes we were playing a game called "Dirty Minds". It's an awesome game. The purpose is to come out with the cleanest minds. For example I will give you three clues and you have to figure what it is by the end of this post. Then I will post the cheating now. Let's see how dirty your mind is.
Clue Number 1: Coming in me is better than going the other way.
Clue Number 2: You'll be greeted by a Peter before I swing.
Clue Number 3: Enter my opening and I'll keep you up forever.
Good luck.
Like I said it was the funnest shower ever. On Saturday Dawn and Corrie hosted a birthday party for Gabriel and his friends. It was so fun. We started off eating pizza because one of the kids had to leave early. Once lunch was complete we played a game with silly string. It was a superhero party so what's not best but to trap down a superhero action figure with silly string. It was funny because a couple of seconds into it one boy was yelling, Mine's not working. So Dawn quickly took it away. It was neon hairspray. Awesome. Someone(being aunty M) didn't read all the labels. hee hee....ooops.
After the silly string game we(all dressed up like our favorite superhero's) were directed to the next activity by our superhero leader...The INCREDIBLE HULK. AKA. Dawn. We colored some superhero pictures and attached them to a magnet. So awesome. I think the adults were more into it than the kids. Lucky for us...we didn't have to fight over the felts and crayons.
There was a scavenger hunt that took a really long time. It was so funny. Corrie was giving them very specific areas to check for the superhero ring. But it still took them a good 20 minutes to find it. There is more to my story...but that will be saved for another post. It's lunch time. So until next time.....Peace out.
Oh yeah, and the answer to the 3 clues earlier is "Pearly Gates". Where was your mind at??

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Update

Hello. I know, I'm not dead. So what's my excuse for not updating? Well my sister. Ok, not entirely her fault. But she did introduce me to this freakin' awesome game called Settlers of Catan. Let me tell you people, I'm hooked. So yes I've been on the computer. Yes I've had the time. But instead of updating my blog I've been playing "just one more" game of Settlers. This game is Monopoly meets Risk. Which makes up just the best game ever!! Ok, so now you know. That's why I've been MIA.
What's new. A whole lot. Where do I begin? Let's start with a couple of weeks ago. It was a Friday afternoon. I got off work and had the evening off. Boy was I excited. I went and picked up a few things from the store. On my way home I noticed a yellow Rabbitt on the side of the road. It was Cameron(my brother). So I stopped and followed him home. When we got inside I picked up my cat and cuddled her. I was in the kitchen area. My brother walked in and was stretching which for some reason freaked my cat out. So she scatched me during her quick exit. I don't mean just a little scratch. It was deep and bleeding. Once I maintained that crazyness we ordered some chinese food from the best place in town. The bacterial banquet. Ok, it's the Imperial Banquet. It's kind of a dirty little place, but man it has the best food. God made the dirt so the dirt don't hurt. On our way home we stopped at Canadian Tire to get some oil for Cameron's car. I told him I would just wait in the car but at the last moment I decided to go in with him. As we were walking in I was looking around and just following his body's direction. Suddenly he moved left and I turned to look and smack. Before I even knew what was happening I was seeing stars and my eyes were watering. He thought it would be funny to walk right towards the security alarm metal detector thing and then move at the last moment. Little did he know I wasn't paying attention behind him. He felt really bad and so he should. I suffered a swollen nose and two black eyes. Did you catch that TWO black eyes. I felt really dumb because all the workers were standing right there and stop to look at me. They heard the crack. How embarassing. But so funny later on. Still now, if I laugh to hard my nose hurts. haha.
Valentine's Day. Yeah I jumped about a week there because nothing I remember is really blog worthy...just blah blah blah stuff. So Valentine's Day. The day for all those in love. Or as I like to say in my low, slow speaking voice....Lovers Day. haha. I think it's funny. Anyways I worked the whole day. I lived vicariously through all the little couples, glazing across the table at eachother. I had this one table where I told them straight up that I was doing that. They laughed and the three of us had a great date. haha. Again, nothing really all that exciting happened. Well...that's it for now. The updates will be a little more frequent now.
