This is Gabriel. You can tel he's related to me because he likes to balance things on his head too.
Hello again. Where have I been you ask? Did she die? Well, who ever sent out the semi trucks to try and take me out, it didn’t work. I’m still alive. If you had nothing to do with that plan then you probably have no idea what I’m talking about. You see last weekend was youth convention. On the way there I was driving Lori’s car because she was driving the van. There were two big vans and I think 3 cars going. The first van passed this semi truck and everything was fine. Then I went to pass it and while I was just going past the tailgate I noticed that he had put his signal on. I said out loud what is he doing. Then I noticed the front of the truck pulling into my lane. I literally had seconds to react. I slammed on the brakes and he proceeded into the lane I was in. Whew. (He had one of those stickers...how’s my driving with a phone number) and the van behind us phoned it and told the person what had just happened. If that wasn’t enough when we were taking Dawn and Gabriel and Grace to the airport another semi did the exact same thing(except it was mom driving). Oh, it doesn’t stop there. When Mom and I were leaving winnipeg this truck pulled out in front of the car beside us and us. We had to slam on the breaks again. He crossed the highway when there wasn’t really any time to do it. I called him an a** and my mom said that was a nice word to call him. When I looked at him and used sign language to tell him he was a bad driver he was laughing. (I was using real sign language, not the finger). Yeah, so whoever sent them to take me out....it didn’t work I’m still very much alive.
How was youth convention? Soooooo fun. I had such a great time. Staying up late, giggling, getting to see Audio Adrenaline live. Seeing Barlow girl live. Talking to the famous Corrie Block. My friend Kori with a K got his autograph. So amazing. I was talking to a friend of mine and told him that I hadn’t been to a youth convention since I was 17. 17!! That was almost 10 years ago. I rounded it up because it’s been 8 years. 8. Might as well be 10. But now it’s been a week since I was last at youth convention. A week. I really like repeating myself. I really like repeating myself. I think it adds emphasis on what I’m saying. Really I was just reading a bit of what I wrote and noticed a bunch of repeats so I thought I would make fun of myself. Moving on.
Well, now I’m just going to post some pictures of YC and talk about them.

This is Naz and Tyler doing the dance revolution thing.

This is Mikyle and shoot her name just slipped my mind. And they are doing the jousting thing.

This is a group photo of those of us who stayed at the convention center and played the games and had a great time. From the back, the girl in the green and yellow is Katie, beside her is Mikyle. Sitting tall in white is Tyler and then me. In front of me from left to right is Chris, I remember her name, it's Taylor, Naz, Racha, Dawson and Kori with a K. The reason I call her Kori with a K is because when we were walking by he sign that had Corrie's name on it she was like, hey we have the same name except mine is
with a K. So from then on it just stuck.
The picture of the sumo wrestlers is Tyler and Chris. It was one of the funniest matches ever. Tyler kept making these animal like sounds. Like roaring and grunting. So funny.

Ok, now I'm just in a picture mood. This is Dawn and Gabriel at Gullivers restuarant. We had some really yummy soup and Dawn was sneaky and paid the bill before we knew what
she was doing.
And below is a picture of Dawn and Grace.

This picture of Gabriel was taken right after we came from the hottub. Or as Gabriel calls it the hot pool. So funny. Now I sound like a person going through slides. haha. I should be a missionary. Just kidding. I would be a hip missionary. No slow slide showing.
This is Grace trying to feed herself. Do you remember this Dawn? It was soooo funny. There was green stuff everywhere. I loved how her bowl would stick to her face. It still makes me laugh.
I just wanted to remind you what Grace looks like without a bowl on her face. She is so adorable no? You better argue with me and say yes....or else!!!!!! Well, I hope you enjoyed this post. I was just glad that my computer didn't freeze up while I was writing it. Woo hoo. I hope this makes up for the absence of my blog. Till next time. Peace Out.