Hey there everyone. I'm at the Future Shop again. This won't be a very long post though. I pretty much just wanted to say a hearty hello because it's been a while. Don't worry, I'm still alive. I can walk again. Yay!!! I prayed for it and the next day it was feeling soooo much better. Yay for prayer. Anywho, all I have to really say is that the Bangles got it right when they sang the song "Manic Monday". I think the last 3 mondays have come with nothing but adventure. And not the fun pick your own adventure kind. It's more like, hey what can we do to Michelle today to get a reaction? haha. I like to play jokes on people to see their reaction but whomever is doing this to me isn't picking the nice jokes. Lets just say that my car has broken down 3 times. The first two you heard about. And then yesterday...tada it was Monday yesterday, it broke down AGAIN! But it was an easy fix and cheap it didn't cost a thing. However, it just put one of those upside down smiles on my face. But it all turned out ok so I have nothing to complain about right? Well, other than that there isn't really all that much going on. I remember saying to Steven, oh that's funny I'll have to blog about it..but I don't remember what it was so I can't even share that with you. But let me tell you, it was funny and I think it would have made you all laugh. So you should just insert laugh here.
I have this one customer that always comes into the restaurant and he challenges me on my faith EVERY day. Lately he's been asking me how I can serve a God who kills people in the thousands for using thier freewill. First he gives us freewill and then punishes us for using it. (He's talking about Sarah and Abraham's city..I can't remember how to spell it so I'm not going to try). And every time I would say something he would argue this point. Honestly it's really exhausting talking to him because he switches everything I say around on me. Why do I continue to talk to him about it? Because I think he is searching and searching hard. Most people stop talking to him and I have one of those personalities that I'm drawn to those type of people. Right mr. cowboy hat at Arby's in Kelowna? haha. (If you're wondering about that it's just that there was this really grumpy man that would come into Arby's everyday and I was determined to get him to smile. For a year and a half I served him every time I worked and every time I would get the same, money on the counter and walk away with his coffee with a frown on his face. A Year and a half people. Finally one day he cracked. And he smiled back at me. By the time I left that job I had him telling me jokes and we would both laugh together. Everyone else though got the same grumpy man that he had been to me before. So I say, perseverance and a little get in their face until they crack goes a long way..haha. So back to my customer I'm dealing with now. It's hard to talk with him and I just really wanted to vent. Ok, well, I think this gentleman behind me wants to look at the computer I'm using so until next time. Bye for now.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Picture time. These are the pictures I couldn't get to load yesterday.
Don't kick your car!!
Ok, wow. It’s been a while again. What’s going on with me. Where did I leave off. I think it was when I came home from visiting my new friend Chris. I came home and I watched some CSI. Then I went to bed. When I woke up it was Sunday and honestly that was over a week ago so I can’t really remember what I did. I know I went to church and went for lunch with my friend Rett and Jodi. After lunch I came home and watched some CSI. I think I may have had a nap(I must include that part because that’s an exciting part of my day...maybe not for you to read about, but trust me I cherish that part of the day). I went to Bible Study in the evening and that was fun. On Monday I worked and then I came home and made some dinner. That’s right people I cook. Here are a couple of pictures of what I made. There is lasagna with a lot of cheese. Don’t worry people I didn’t go out into public after eating any. 
Then I also made noodle salad...one of my favorites. You can guess what I ate for most of the week. haha. I’m just going to skip Tuesday because again, over a week ago and I can’t remember. I know that on Wednesday I went bowling with the youth group. I even took a picture to share with you. Yay!! I was playing my own rules. I said that the person with the lowest score wins. Kind of like golf. Everyone was like well that’s easy you just have to get gutter balls. I was like no you have to try and get the pins down as hard as you can..but the person with the lowest score still wins. You see, I always lose the other way of playing. Well at the end of the 9th frame(I was about to call it an inning and remembered that’s not the right sport...haha) I was winning with my rules. I knew I could do it. Then the tenth frame came. My way of bowling is to just go up, throw the ball down the ally and walk away...don’t watch the ball because once it’s released you can’t do anything about it. So I walked over to pick up the next ball, when I turned around all my pins were down. I screamed, everyone cheered...I was like NOOOOO!!! haha. So I threw the next ball down, same thing like always, throw and walk away. I turned around with the next ball in my hand...again everyone cheers and I scream...NOOOOO!!! I lost to my own way of playing the game. How redonkulous. Everyone laughed at me that I lost both ways. haha. I was like well I came in second what can you say to that. haha. I’m so immature. After youth group we all went to McDonalds. That brings us to Thursday and Friday don’t know what I did those two days. Oh yes I do.. I worked. On Saturday I was suppose to work 11-4 and they asked me if I could stay till 5...sure no prob. Then they asked if I could stay through the supper hour, sure no prob....and then I went home at 7:15. Good day. I don’t mind the extra hours. In the evening my friend Andrew and I went to see a movie. We were going to see this one movie 16 blocks but we were late so instead we went and saw the movie 8below. I don’t know if you’ve all seen it but I must be heartless because I didn’t cry. I teared up in one part...but no full out tears. Everyone I talked to said they bawled during the movie. I cried more during the pre-view than during the movie. Crazy. After the movie Andrew was driving to take me home when the subject of parallel driving came up. Once he found out that I couldn’t do it he was determined for me to learn. haha. The reason I don’t know how is because when I was taking my exam in bc if there was ice on the ground they wouldn’t make you do it on your test. Instead all you had to do was back into a parking spot. I can do that fine. Don’t worry people, I don’t even attempt to parallel park so there is no worry for your safety. haha. Just don’t expect a spot right in front of the building if it’s parallel parking and I’m your driver. So I came home and went to bed. I didn’t wake up until 2pm the following day. That’s right I went to bedside baptist church. I was tired. In the afternoon my friend Mike surprised me and gave me a visit. He was showing me his girlfriends new car...yay it’s a Honda. woo hoo. Sorry for my lack of enthusiasm. I’m sure she’s happy with it. That’s when I decided I was bored in the moment and kicked my tire on my car. I set off the car alarm...haha. So funny. Then my friend Andrew came over, we had made plans to go and see the Curious George matinee. Such a cute movie. After it was over I was like, that was all the books except the one where Curious George goes to the circus. Andrew looked at me like I was crazy and was like, you remember all that? I was like, yep. Curious George was my favorite children’s book growing up. That and The BFG by Roald Dalh and all his books like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and all of Robert Munch’s books. That’s right I like them all. After the movie Andrew was heading out of town so he dropped me off and went on his way. I came inside and that’s right watched some CSI because I went and rented some more. While I was watching them Mike came over for a little more of a visit. We watched VW commercials. You can watch them too at www.leftlanenews.com. They are so stinkin’ funny. Watch both the GTI(my fast) and the Unpimp your ride. Watch them in that order because the unpimp your ride ones are so much funnier. Then we just hung out and then he left. I was going to go to bible study but I was coming down with a headache and my right foot was starting to hurt for no reason. So I just stayed home. I didn’t have to work on Monday but I had to take my car into the shop so I knew I had to be up early. My car was giving me problems on Friday, it was super hard to shift and I popped my shoulder out 3 times. This isn’t that rare(my shoulder popping out) but I wasn’t going to take that kind of abuse from my car. (So ironic and you’ll find out why in a few minutes of reading). So I didn’t go to bed. Why? Because by the time I was done watching CSI it was already 4am. So I thought I might as well stay up now. So I watched some more CSI. When it was 7:30 though I couldn’t keep my eyes open any more and gave in and went to sleep. When I woke up I took my car in. Ben, the mechanic, asked me how I got my car there. I was like, I drove it. He asked yes, but did you stay in just first and second gear? I was like, um no. Then he asked me how I did that and I said I reafed on it. He said well, it’s on it’s last reaf. I was like, oh, ok. So he told me that I needed a new clutch. He was so afraid to tell me and when he did I was like, ok. haha. I think it shocked him that I didn’t react like he thought I would. haha. I love to surprise people. By this time my foot was really killing me. So I phoned Lanny(my ex-boyfriend, he owed me a couple of rides) and asked him if he could give me a ride. So he came and then took me to the doctor who told me that it looked like I had a stress fracture in my foot(how can you tell that???? Weird) and then he told me that if it hadn’t improved by friday to come back and I’ll have to take xrays. yikes. I was like ok. So I hobbled out of the office and came home and layed on the couch for the rest of the night. boo. On Tuesday(we’re on Wednesday now) I went to work. That’s right, I didn’t listen to the doctor and I went to work. I could actually walk on it when it was in a shoe. But I have to wear my ugly shoes because those are the only ones my foot will fit into right now. I am in the process of signing my foot up for the show the Biggest Loser.(for feet). There is no vainity when your foot is twice its regular size. After work I came straight home and put my foot up and did nothing. Again boo. I love to go out on the town with my friends for coffee...but no such luck. But I did go to bed early and woke up this morning at 4am. Woo hoo. Why? Because of
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*
My cat decided that she loved me. She also decided to share this affection with me at 4am. How you ask? By licking my foot that was high on a pillow tower. She licked my toes and woke me up. Once I woke up she meowed, came over to me and cuddled and fell asleep. I was so mad at her. I was like, hey! You wake me up so you can go to sleep? Whatever...she’s so cute and cuddly though so you can’t stay mad at her.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment* is over.
So since I was up I decided I would play Roller Coaster Tycoon. I love that game. I decided I would follow one of the kids that was sick. I don’t know why, but I get a sick joy out of watching kids get sick at the fair. haha...nice pun Michelle. So I named him Marcus the pukus. haha. No wonder the kid was sick all the time, he would eat a bunch of food and then go on the biggest rollercoaster. What a dumb bum. I know it’s just a cartoon, but still. I played this game until 7:30am. Then I went to bed. When I got up I think it was noon. I didn’t have to work until 5:30 this evening. I got up and went to pick up my car. 850 dollars later my car felt like new. I was scared to drive it because I didn’t want to stall it. I’m so use to having a worn down clutch that a new one is freaky. They showed me what my old one looked like and they said do you see these fingers. I was like the ones on your hand and he said no the ones on this part haha....I’m so funny. He said that they were so worn down that there was nothing left of them. I told him that maybe they just needed a manicure and they looked pretty shiny to me. haha. He didn’t get me though so I stopped fooling around and listened. All I got was that I got as much use out of the clutch as I was ever going to get and blah blah blah. I was like, oh, so I did good. And left it at that. haha. Good times, good times. After I got my car I went for coffee with a friend of mine. After coffee I went to work. I served a table of 24 people. They were so nice and I loved serving them. I could make jokes and they would laugh and I was like included as their group. When they were taking their group photo I was like, oh, I can stay out for a few minutes and they waited until I was in the shot before they took it. How sweet!!
After work I went to youth group where we watched the first part of Passion of the Christ. Afterwards we went to McDonalds and discussed it. When I went to leave, because I’m a slow walker right now I left after everyone else. However, when I went to go and start my car it wouldn’t start. So I took a cab home and tomorrow, my adventure will continue. To Be Continued!!!! Sorry for the length I hope you enjoyed.:) The moral of the story boys and girls? Don't kick your car! Ps. loading the pictures isn't working for me right now...so the pictures will be posted soon.

Then I also made noodle salad...one of my favorites. You can guess what I ate for most of the week. haha. I’m just going to skip Tuesday because again, over a week ago and I can’t remember. I know that on Wednesday I went bowling with the youth group. I even took a picture to share with you. Yay!! I was playing my own rules. I said that the person with the lowest score wins. Kind of like golf. Everyone was like well that’s easy you just have to get gutter balls. I was like no you have to try and get the pins down as hard as you can..but the person with the lowest score still wins. You see, I always lose the other way of playing. Well at the end of the 9th frame(I was about to call it an inning and remembered that’s not the right sport...haha) I was winning with my rules. I knew I could do it. Then the tenth frame came. My way of bowling is to just go up, throw the ball down the ally and walk away...don’t watch the ball because once it’s released you can’t do anything about it. So I walked over to pick up the next ball, when I turned around all my pins were down. I screamed, everyone cheered...I was like NOOOOO!!! haha. So I threw the next ball down, same thing like always, throw and walk away. I turned around with the next ball in my hand...again everyone cheers and I scream...NOOOOO!!! I lost to my own way of playing the game. How redonkulous. Everyone laughed at me that I lost both ways. haha. I was like well I came in second what can you say to that. haha. I’m so immature. After youth group we all went to McDonalds. That brings us to Thursday and Friday don’t know what I did those two days. Oh yes I do.. I worked. On Saturday I was suppose to work 11-4 and they asked me if I could stay till 5...sure no prob. Then they asked if I could stay through the supper hour, sure no prob....and then I went home at 7:15. Good day. I don’t mind the extra hours. In the evening my friend Andrew and I went to see a movie. We were going to see this one movie 16 blocks but we were late so instead we went and saw the movie 8below. I don’t know if you’ve all seen it but I must be heartless because I didn’t cry. I teared up in one part...but no full out tears. Everyone I talked to said they bawled during the movie. I cried more during the pre-view than during the movie. Crazy. After the movie Andrew was driving to take me home when the subject of parallel driving came up. Once he found out that I couldn’t do it he was determined for me to learn. haha. The reason I don’t know how is because when I was taking my exam in bc if there was ice on the ground they wouldn’t make you do it on your test. Instead all you had to do was back into a parking spot. I can do that fine. Don’t worry people, I don’t even attempt to parallel park so there is no worry for your safety. haha. Just don’t expect a spot right in front of the building if it’s parallel parking and I’m your driver. So I came home and went to bed. I didn’t wake up until 2pm the following day. That’s right I went to bedside baptist church. I was tired. In the afternoon my friend Mike surprised me and gave me a visit. He was showing me his girlfriends new car...yay it’s a Honda. woo hoo. Sorry for my lack of enthusiasm. I’m sure she’s happy with it. That’s when I decided I was bored in the moment and kicked my tire on my car. I set off the car alarm...haha. So funny. Then my friend Andrew came over, we had made plans to go and see the Curious George matinee. Such a cute movie. After it was over I was like, that was all the books except the one where Curious George goes to the circus. Andrew looked at me like I was crazy and was like, you remember all that? I was like, yep. Curious George was my favorite children’s book growing up. That and The BFG by Roald Dalh and all his books like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and all of Robert Munch’s books. That’s right I like them all. After the movie Andrew was heading out of town so he dropped me off and went on his way. I came inside and that’s right watched some CSI because I went and rented some more. While I was watching them Mike came over for a little more of a visit. We watched VW commercials. You can watch them too at www.leftlanenews.com. They are so stinkin’ funny. Watch both the GTI(my fast) and the Unpimp your ride. Watch them in that order because the unpimp your ride ones are so much funnier. Then we just hung out and then he left. I was going to go to bible study but I was coming down with a headache and my right foot was starting to hurt for no reason. So I just stayed home. I didn’t have to work on Monday but I had to take my car into the shop so I knew I had to be up early. My car was giving me problems on Friday, it was super hard to shift and I popped my shoulder out 3 times. This isn’t that rare(my shoulder popping out) but I wasn’t going to take that kind of abuse from my car. (So ironic and you’ll find out why in a few minutes of reading). So I didn’t go to bed. Why? Because by the time I was done watching CSI it was already 4am. So I thought I might as well stay up now. So I watched some more CSI. When it was 7:30 though I couldn’t keep my eyes open any more and gave in and went to sleep. When I woke up I took my car in. Ben, the mechanic, asked me how I got my car there. I was like, I drove it. He asked yes, but did you stay in just first and second gear? I was like, um no. Then he asked me how I did that and I said I reafed on it. He said well, it’s on it’s last reaf. I was like, oh, ok. So he told me that I needed a new clutch. He was so afraid to tell me and when he did I was like, ok. haha. I think it shocked him that I didn’t react like he thought I would. haha. I love to surprise people. By this time my foot was really killing me. So I phoned Lanny(my ex-boyfriend, he owed me a couple of rides) and asked him if he could give me a ride. So he came and then took me to the doctor who told me that it looked like I had a stress fracture in my foot(how can you tell that???? Weird) and then he told me that if it hadn’t improved by friday to come back and I’ll have to take xrays. yikes. I was like ok. So I hobbled out of the office and came home and layed on the couch for the rest of the night. boo. On Tuesday(we’re on Wednesday now) I went to work. That’s right, I didn’t listen to the doctor and I went to work. I could actually walk on it when it was in a shoe. But I have to wear my ugly shoes because those are the only ones my foot will fit into right now. I am in the process of signing my foot up for the show the Biggest Loser.(for feet). There is no vainity when your foot is twice its regular size. After work I came straight home and put my foot up and did nothing. Again boo. I love to go out on the town with my friends for coffee...but no such luck. But I did go to bed early and woke up this morning at 4am. Woo hoo. Why? Because of
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*
My cat decided that she loved me. She also decided to share this affection with me at 4am. How you ask? By licking my foot that was high on a pillow tower. She licked my toes and woke me up. Once I woke up she meowed, came over to me and cuddled and fell asleep. I was so mad at her. I was like, hey! You wake me up so you can go to sleep? Whatever...she’s so cute and cuddly though so you can’t stay mad at her.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment* is over.
So since I was up I decided I would play Roller Coaster Tycoon. I love that game. I decided I would follow one of the kids that was sick. I don’t know why, but I get a sick joy out of watching kids get sick at the fair. haha...nice pun Michelle. So I named him Marcus the pukus. haha. No wonder the kid was sick all the time, he would eat a bunch of food and then go on the biggest rollercoaster. What a dumb bum. I know it’s just a cartoon, but still. I played this game until 7:30am. Then I went to bed. When I got up I think it was noon. I didn’t have to work until 5:30 this evening. I got up and went to pick up my car. 850 dollars later my car felt like new. I was scared to drive it because I didn’t want to stall it. I’m so use to having a worn down clutch that a new one is freaky. They showed me what my old one looked like and they said do you see these fingers. I was like the ones on your hand and he said no the ones on this part haha....I’m so funny. He said that they were so worn down that there was nothing left of them. I told him that maybe they just needed a manicure and they looked pretty shiny to me. haha. He didn’t get me though so I stopped fooling around and listened. All I got was that I got as much use out of the clutch as I was ever going to get and blah blah blah. I was like, oh, so I did good. And left it at that. haha. Good times, good times. After I got my car I went for coffee with a friend of mine. After coffee I went to work. I served a table of 24 people. They were so nice and I loved serving them. I could make jokes and they would laugh and I was like included as their group. When they were taking their group photo I was like, oh, I can stay out for a few minutes and they waited until I was in the shot before they took it. How sweet!!
After work I went to youth group where we watched the first part of Passion of the Christ. Afterwards we went to McDonalds and discussed it. When I went to leave, because I’m a slow walker right now I left after everyone else. However, when I went to go and start my car it wouldn’t start. So I took a cab home and tomorrow, my adventure will continue. To Be Continued!!!! Sorry for the length I hope you enjoyed.:) The moral of the story boys and girls? Don't kick your car! Ps. loading the pictures isn't working for me right now...so the pictures will be posted soon.
Friday, March 10, 2006
WHO WALKED IN THE DOOR? Segement #2 (if you haven't read Segment #1 yet I encourage you to do that first and don't be afraid to leave a comment)
Alright, where did we leave off. See I was holding the suspense so that you people would comment more but instead I have the most patient audience and you all wait quietly. Ok, so in walked this guy, his name is Chris. I had met him previous to this day at Wendy’s. He was sitting all alone so I invited him to sit with my friend and I. At the time he was so happy to sit with someone and talk, but thought it was weird. But hey, that’s who I am. haha. So here I am standing in line at blockbuster getting ready to pay for my rental(CSI-fifth season) and Chris walks in. I smiled at him and waved(Brandon is very small town so this is not unusual). He came over to me and asked how do I know you? I was like, well, we had lunch together one time at Wendy’s and I’ve served you and your girlfriend at Humpty’s but I don’t work there any more. He was like, oh, do you have time to go for coffee and talk. I was like sure. So we went for a walk and talked. He was really confused about where his life was going. If he wanted to be with his girlfriend any more. And those sorts of things. So I just listened. We talked for over an hour. In there I told him that I was a christian. As soon as he heard that at first he was like oh, you’re a “CHRISTIAN”. I was like, yep. But I could tell he was really uneasy about that. I think he was waiting for me to push it in his face. But when I didn’t he started to ask questions. Anyways, by the end of our conversation I asked him if he ever wanted to go to church or young adults that he’s more than welcome. But that’s where it left off. So cool though. Also during our conversation he kept asking me if his appearance bothered me. I was like nope. But he kept asking me. Finally he asked me why it didn’t(he’s gothic) and I said because I look past the exterior. It doesn’t matter if your a goth or a skater or a prep, you’re still a person and I can tell you’re hurting. Anyways, this was such a cool experience. He’s a super nice guy and I hope everything works out for him.
After that I came home and watched some CSI. It was a good time. Me and my icecream. :) But what comes next we’ll hold off until the next post!
After that I came home and watched some CSI. It was a good time. Me and my icecream. :) But what comes next we’ll hold off until the next post!
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
The Weekend Segment #1
Hello again. It has been a great week I guess you could say. Nothing really exciting to report. Um, let me think. Oh, I guess I could start with Saturday. My mom came to town and we looked at a car(1995 Jetta). The reason I was looking at a car was because someone asked me if they could buy my car from me. The price was right so I said, let me think about it. After doing some research I was all pumped to get a new to me car. But, as the weekend wore on and seeing this car with no snow on it changed my mind. So I asked him today(Monday) if he was still interested than I would go and test drive this car but if he wasn’t interested I would just go home and have a nap. He told me to go have a nap. So I didn’t do that. haha. Anyways, so after my mom and I looked at the car we went and did a little shopping at Warehouse One. I had to get some new work pants. After that we went to Blockbuster so she could buy a few movies. (The previously viewed movies are a really good deal!). So we came back to my place and watched the movie “Mr. and Mrs. Smith. You know the movie in which Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were in together. It was ok. I have to admit at the beginning of the movie I was bored and not following. Then the action part started and I thought it was funny. While we watched this movie we ate our lunch. Mom brought chili from home and we heated it up and put it on buns. SLOPPY JOES!!! Yum. I don’t know if you’ve seen the movie Billy Madison. If you have, you know the part where the cafeteria lady(who looks really gross) keeps repeating I know how you kids love your sloppy Joes...well I kept quoting this part but mom hasn’t seen it so it went totally unappreciated, except for me laughing at my own joke. It just doesn’t have the same affect somehow. After the movie and stuff I had to get ready for work. So I wore my new pants. It’s like your first day of school all over again with the new clothes. Anyways, I went to work. Everything was fine and dandy and then there was this one table. I mean, I try to be nice to people but when they are so rude and mean?? It challenges me. I came over to check on everyone’s appetizers and the lady was like, there’s something wrong with one of the chicken fingers. Oh, ok what’s wrong? I asked. For one thing if you’re going to sabotage your own food get rid of the evidence. The pepper shaker was tipped over and leaning on the chicken finger plate. I picked up the plate to investigate(CSI style) and the one chicken finger(the one they were complaining about) had pepper poured onto the tip of it. I said, there’s nothing wrong with this chicken finger there’s just pepper on it. So I walked away. This was after taking a lot of crap from their table so really I didn’t want to deal with them any more. So I started to walk away and I heard her daughter say, See mom, I told you it wouldn’t work. HA! I’m so glad I’m a CSI fan. I was just shocked more than anything. After work I came home and sat for a few minutes. My new pants covered in sour cream(I don’t know how that happens). So I changed my clothes and decided that I needed to spend some time with my peers so I went and rented one of the disc’s from the 5th season of CSI. As I was in line to rent it in came walking......to be continued!
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