Wow, what I’ll go through in order to come up with some new material for you to read. But before I tell you how my weekend ended I will go back to, what was it, Thursday? Yes I think that’s where I left off. On Thursday I went to work, which was fun, and I think that’s all I did that day. On Friday I went to work, came home and had a well deserved nap. When I woke up my friends Lori, Kristin and I went to see the movie, Date Movie. It was really funny. After the movie we went to Tim Horton’s for coffee. When we got there Jodi and her friend Jaquie were there. So we went and sat with them. Not too long after Barbie and Dave showed up. So we all sat and had coffee together. After that I went home and went to bed. No, I didn’t really go straight to bed, but I can’t report what I did because I don’t remember. I know I didn’t get to bed until like 4am though. When I woke up it was 2:30pm. heehee oops. Then I got ready for work. After work I went to Boston Pizza with Dave and Barbie and Jodi. That was a lot of fun. I had some thai bites and let me tell you, something was arguing in that tummy of mine because I felt like I was going to be sick. Not so fun. So I really did go home and go to bed. The next day, Sunday? yes, Sunday I got up and went to church. After church was over there was a lunch at the church for everyone, but Jodi, Barbie and I went out instead. Not because we’re rude but because Jodi has to be careful in what she eats so this was an easier option. We went to the only restaurant in town, yes you guessed it, Humpty’s. I had the famous BBQ chicken ceasar salad. yum. After lunch I came home, or did I? No I didn’t. I went to Future shop and that is where you got the last update on my blog. Right, that’s what happened. After future shop, oh, just so you all know I did buy something at future shop. So I didn’t just use them for their internet setup. I bought two movies. Field of Dreams and Along Came Polly. Then I came home and I started to watch the movie, Field of Dreams. I fell asleep. When I woke up it was already 9:30. Too late to go to Bible Study. I was so mad at myself because I wanted to go. So I watched a couple of shows and then watched Field of Dreams, again. This time I got to almost the end when....(did you like the ... it is used to build suspense, kind of like this little blip, I’m just stalling now. Ok, ok, I’ll tell you) I heard a tink tink noise. I was like, what on earth is that. So I looked around and then I saw a couple of drops of water coming from the ceiling. I was like, that can’t be good. So I grabbed a pot from my kitchen, put it under the leak and grabbed my laundry room key and ran out the door. I got up to the laundry room door and unlocked the door. Still couldn’t open it. The deadbolt was locked. I don’t have a key for that part so I started to knock really loudly. No answer. Then I started to ring the doorbell, a lot. Kind of like Grandpa Mckay. Finally the guy answered the door. I didn’t mean to but I pretty much shouted at him, what’s going on up here. He was like, wha....there was water spewing across the room. There was a gigantic hole in the hose on the washing machine. I was like, turn the water off. He tried, but nothing was happening. I was like, has someone called the landlords. That’s when he said, we can do that tomorrow. I was like, um, no. We’re going to do that right now. So I ran downstairs, when I walked in there was water coming from everywhere. I pushed my couch over as far as it could go so it wouldn’t get wrecked. Then I searched for the landlords number in the phone book. I don’t know if you’ve ever been in that sort of situation but you’re eyes can’t really focus. I phoned the wrong number at first. I had to look in the phone book again. I finally got a hold of him. I apologized for calling so late(it was 1am). Then I told him that we had a situation and I think he needs to come over. He asked what the problem was. I told him. He told me to get the people upstairs to turn the water off in the front bathroom. So I ran up to the laundry room again and told him what to do. The water stopped. Whew. I ran back downstairs to put more pots and bowls and anything I could under the leaking parts. Every towel I own and every baking dish I own, every blanket, except the one on my bed were on the floor. What a mess. I ran back upstairs to see what was going on. The room was covered in water. The landlord arrived. (He only lives 5 streets over). Once he was there I headed back downstairs to clean up my place. After a lot of shouting(coming from the landlord) I ran back upstairs to see if I could be any help. He said no, but he was turning off the water. Then he came down to check the damage in my place. I don’t think he was prepared. I kept saying it wasn’t as bad as it could be. Then he entered and was like, wow. I’m sure God had his hand over the whole situation because a) I rearranged my furniture when I wasn’t sick(I don’t know why but I usually only do it when I’m sick with the flu). b) I rearranged my room again since those pictures and voting and I wasn’t sick. (This meant that my computer was on the other side of the room as well as my big furniture, I only had to move my couch). c) The laundry room is right over the hot water tank room, the heater room, the electrical box room and the water didn’t even touch that room. Instead all it got was the carpet. Woohoo. I was up until 4am cleaning up and talking with my sister. I finally fell asleep. It’s hard to sleep when you’re stinkin’ cold, wet, filled with adrenaline and worried what you’re going to do with your cat for the day when you’re not allowed to have a cat where you live. hee hee oops. So I called Erin and asked if she could go there for the day. She said yes. Whew. But that meant I had to be up by 7. You can do the math. After I dropped puss in boots off I came back home and slept for another hour. Then the landlord came over with a shop vac and fan. He also fixed the washing machine. Do you wonder why this all happened? It is easily avoidable. The people upstairs had left the door open for a long time and all the pipes froze in the laundry room. Then when you put hot water in the washing machine a hole broke through. Hense a mess. Don’t try this at home. After all this stuff I still had to go to work. And of course their is a conference going on in town so we were stinkin’ busy. I didn’t get home until 8:30. In that time, stupid cook got fired. So that made the day interesting. After work I came home because nobody was at home at Erin’s house. At 9:00 I tried calling again. Ruth was there. So I went and picked her up(Puss in Boots).
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*
I don’t know what it is there, but Puss in Boots(PNB) hates it. I don’t know if it’s their cat that she hates but something sets her off. She becomes this mean little bully. She hisses at not only the other cat but at the people as well. So when I left her there she scratched me a lot. When I went to pick her up I asked Ruth, so where is she. She said, oh, we haven’t seen her all day. I was like, what? She could be dead. So I went looking for her. I went downstairs because that is where I had left her. Their cat had a bunch of scratches on her face so it was obvious that there had been a cat fight. I went into the laundry room still no sight of her. So I called out to her. I heard the saddest little noise. I was like, I hear you where are you. Again, a sad little noise. So I followed it. I looked under the stairs and there were the saddest little eyes looking back at me. She was surrounded by boxes and she was crouched. So scared. Poor girl. So I went to the front of the stairs and called for her to come. She slowly approached me. Then she came out and just cuddled. Poor girl. So I brought her home. Since she’s been home when ever I’m out of her sight she starts crying. When I left for work this morning she hissed at me. It’s so sad. I woke up last night and she was sleeping all cradled in my arm. So sweet. She loves me, she really loves me. *Crazy Cat Lady Moment* is over. Well, that’s about all there is to report. You’re all caught up to date now. Sorry this entry was so long. Until next time. Peace Out.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Just another Day at the Future Shop
Hey everyone. I bet you won't guess where I am when I write this blog entry. Am I at a computer, yes. Am I at my computer? no. I am at future shop. Actually I just had a sales man, my friend, come and ask me what I am doing. So I expained to him that I was doing an entry for my blog. He was like, what's a blog. So I introduced him to the blog world. That's right, I like to get everyone involved. Anyways, I'm getting some really funny looks from the people in the store. Not that it's unrare to get funny looks. I just thought I would write an uninterupted blog entry for you all to read. It's fun yeah?
Before I go though I'll tell a little big about Wednesday. I went to work which was a blast and a half. After work I went straight to youth group. I had a good time. Except I think I was suffering from a case of ADD. Not the mathematical type but the attention deficit type. I couldn't focus on anything. That's kind of ironic because the name of the senior high youth group is called Focus. haha. Anyways, I'm sure it had nothing to do with me sitting beside my friend Lori. After the service part of youth we broke up into our small groups. That was fun. After that we went downstairs to have "snack time". Instead I challenged Naz to play foosball wih me. It was so fun. You see, on Saturday at the pool hall, I discovered that I wasn't good at pool but that I had wasted all my time in Bible College. I hadn't played more than two games in Bible school, and I have mad skills at it. I didn't know this until Saturday night. I have wasted 25years of not playing. Anyways, I still lost the game to Naz but only by one point. So I think it's ok. After he won he kept saying that his prize was being allowed to drive my car. I was like, I never agreed to that. haha. After youth group we went to McDonalds. We do this every week. While we were there Dave and I got on the topic of what kind of drugs we took when we got our wisdom teeth taken out. He told me that he took his t3 just for fun. He wasn't in any pain. haha. I told him about my time in Romania and the drugs I was on then.(Thank you Debbie) If I haven't told you this story don't fret, I'll be telling it shortly. Then I don't know how we got onto the subject of crystal meth(a really bad drug) but he was imitating someone on it. I was laughing so hard I nearly peed my pants. He was touching everything and making his eyes go all weird. Then he was pretending to lick things and just being goofy. Than he reached over to Pastor Ruth's coat and started to feel it. (It is fur). She was like, what are you two doing? So after a while of still acting like this he told her. She was like oh, ok. And then went back into the other conversation with the other people. So stinkin' funny. He didn't even get a reaction. That pretty much concluded the night. \
Ok, so now I'll tell you the story of Romania. Before we left to go over there we were told to eat everything on our plates or it was considered rude. So for breakfast there it was. It was just staring at me. I didn't know what to do. What was it? It was none other than an egg. That's right just a little harmless little egg right? That may be true but in my case it symbolizes so much more. I knew growing up that I didn't like eggs so I just didn't eat them. I had no idea that the reason I didn't like them was because, well, you'll see. Oh, and by the way, don't eat everything on your plate there because that means that you're still hungry and they'll bring you more to eat until you stop. This took us a couple of days to figure out. Ok, so after breakfast we went on a prayer walk. We were going to people's homes that needed a special prayer. We got to the first house and I wasn't feeling so hot. I just passed it as just a bad smell or something that set me off because once I was outside I felt fine again. We headed towards the next home that we were going to. When we got there we met the family that needed prayer because the man of the home had a possibility of going to jail for not paying taxes. And if he went the lady of the home didn't know how she would take care of the family. They have 10 children. So we started to pray. Just to give you an idea of how many people were in the room we'll say close to 20. So as I was praying I didn't have my eyes closed or my head bowed. Than I felt rude so I closed my eyes and bowed my head. That is when the room started to spin out of control, my face and body started to shake and sweat, the room felt like it was closing in on me. I searched with panic around the room. How could I get out. The window was closer to me, but it was closed and me and international opening things just don't agree. (I once got locked in a bathroom in London and couldn't open the door. I spent an hour in there and the host family had to come and take the door off the hindges to get me out. There was nothing wrong with the door, just a lock I didn't understand and try and take directions from someone you can't understand through a door. Plus I panicked and just cried. haha I was only 15 at the time and that's my excuse). Anyways, I searched for an alternative to get out. There was nothing left but the door on the other side of the room. I had to bolt through the prayer circle. I decided I would go for it because it was coming and it wasn't going to stop. I took off like a jet and collapsed right in the middle of the circle. I cried and heaved, in front of everyone. Right away Bill, my professor, called out, who's the medic. My poor friend Alisha was like, I am. She looked shocked. I didn't want to live through this, it was so embarrassing. I seriously thought I was going to get in trouble because my secret was out. What secret you ask? Well, on that breakfast plate not only was there an egg but there were 5 black olives. I hate olives so I would just swallow them. Well, there they sat. Sick. Anyways, she took me to the next room where I sat by a window and drank water and cried. The lady of the home came over to see how I was and I told her through my really cute interpreter that I was so sorry. She said not to worry about it, she has 10 kids, she's use to it. I cried some more, here is a lady who's going through so much stress and turmoil and she's so comforting to a complete stranger who stank up her house. After we left we went back to the church and had lunch. I didn't have anything too big. Then we started talking about our first day of children's ministry. Bill asked who is going to take Michelle's spot? I was like, no one I am going to do it. Then he said, no you're going to bed. I was like, no I feel great now I can do it. He just gave me the look and I said fine. I was really mad because I didn't come across the world to go to bed. But he obviously knew what he was doing because for the rest of the day I ran to the washroom with a bucket in hand. Why? It was coming out of every spot on my body. So inbetween segments I sang to myself. (Lets just say I can't sing the song Let The River Flow with a straight face any more.) My friend Melanie came back to the place we were staying because she too wasn't feeling well. Except she had the complete opposite of what I was going through. I said to her, if you give me some of yours you can have some of mine and we will be healed. haha. Too bad it doesn't work that way. So Debbie, our leader person in Romania came and gave me some really good stuff. I don't know what it was, I can't read Romanian, but it sure took me through a loop. I was talking to my hoodie strings for a good hour and a half. Then it made me pass out. Such a good feeling. So yeah, that big long drawn out story is to tell you all that I have an allergy to egg yolk. haha. Well, that's about it for today. I look forward to telling you about the rest of the week and the weekend. Then we'll be all caught up. Plus I'll be at my own computer and I can load up pictures and stuff. Ok, until next time. Peace out from Future Shop.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Last Sunday until this week is going fast
Ok, So I left you with Sunday morning. When I woke up I got ready and I went to church. I was really tired but I made it through the service without falling asleep. I didn’t get to sleep until around 5am. After church was over Jodi, Barbie and I went for lunch. We had so much fun especially when Jodi put her mittens on the wrong way. This made her hand look really funny. I thought maybe she could volunteer as a double greeter at church. haha. Good times. After lunch we went shopping. This was a lot of fun and I was so impressed with myself because I resisted buying anything. I have such willpower. After shopping I came home and I crashed. I wasn’t feeling very well so I just kept on sleeping. About 2 hours later I woke up to my phone. It was Jodi. She was wondering why I wasn’t answering my phone. I asked what she was talking about and apparently Andrew was trying to reach me. So I answered the phone when he called. He asked me to go and see the movie Pink Panther with him. I asked if Jodi and Justin were going to be coming too. He didn’t know. So after about 10 phone calls we sorted out the details and all four of us went to the movie. After the movie we went to Humpty’s. haha. Just kidding. We went to Boston Pizza. (Why did I think that was so funny? Because I had gone to humpty’s four times already that weekend...a little excessive if you ask me..) anyways, humpty’s was suggested but I asked if we could go somewhere else. So we went to Boston Pizza. It was fun. We were there until 2 am. That made a late night 3 days in a row. The next morning I woke up and went to work. After work I came home and Andrew phoned me and asked me out for coffee. I asked if Jodi and Justin were going to be there. He said no, so I said “ alright what time?” So we made plans and he picked me up at 9pm. We went to this really wonderful place called Scarlattes. If you ever come to visit me I will take you there. They had live music, homemade cheesecake really good coffee. It is just wonderful. We socialized for quite a while. I had a great time. I had decided that I would keep this evening early because I was so exhausted from the weekend. So when I got home I talked on the phone. Watched a movie(that’s actually a lie, I watched Dr. Phil because I had taped it earlier). Then I went to bed at about 3:30am. Not so early. When I woke up I did some laundry and pretty much just lounged until it was time to go to work. After work I came home and crashed again. That brings us to Wednesday. But I’m going to make you wait a little bit. I have some funny stories to tell about Wednesday. But I don’t want to overload you on stories. So until next time.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Friday of Last Week(the start of a new system)
Hey there. I’m going to try something new. It’s going to include a bunch of entries to my blog but that should keep you all happy. I’m going to write one day at a time. Or I should say one exciting thing at a time. You see, my computer is still acting like an individual and being really annoying with it’s “independence”. Since when do we personalize a computer. Anyways, I’m going to start with last weekend. You see last Friday night was a great single day. I did whatever I wanted after work. I just lounged around and then my friend Lori and I went out for coffee. After coffee my friend Jodi came and the three of us went cruising. This is a fun thing to do on a Friday night. After cruising I went home and went to bed because I worked in the am. After work on Saturday Jodi and I went and played pool. Good times. When I was there a guy named Andrew asked Jodi, via text messaging, if I would consider going out with him. I was shocked. I was also stunned and put on the spot because we were all sitting at the same table. She leaned over to me and asked me, I was like, um, we’re all in the same room. haha. That was my response. After playing pool until 2am what did we do? Nope we didn’t go home to our beds instead we went to Humpty’s for something to nibble. We were there until 4am. The next day was Sunday. But that’s for another entry. See this is fun!
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*
I introduced Puss in Boots to a hairbrush the other day. I was reading on the internet that if you brush your cat it’s a bonding experience you’ll both enjoy. When I read it I was like, yeah whatever. Well, I brought out one of my old brushes and gave it a try. At first she didn’t know what to think. Then she kept clawing at it and my hand kept getting in the way. After that I would hold it and she would knock it out of my hand. Finally I just left it laying on the ground. This is when I figured out what she was doing. You know when the child wants to hold their own bottle and they just keep getting mad at you when you try to help them. This was the same thing. When I left the brush laying on the ground she walked over to it, held it between her two front paws and started to rub her face on it. First towards the right and then back and then to the left. She wanted to brush herself. How cute. Then she figured out that when I hold the brush for her I can reach the back of her head. So now she lets me brush her too. It really is a lot of fun.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment* is over.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*
I introduced Puss in Boots to a hairbrush the other day. I was reading on the internet that if you brush your cat it’s a bonding experience you’ll both enjoy. When I read it I was like, yeah whatever. Well, I brought out one of my old brushes and gave it a try. At first she didn’t know what to think. Then she kept clawing at it and my hand kept getting in the way. After that I would hold it and she would knock it out of my hand. Finally I just left it laying on the ground. This is when I figured out what she was doing. You know when the child wants to hold their own bottle and they just keep getting mad at you when you try to help them. This was the same thing. When I left the brush laying on the ground she walked over to it, held it between her two front paws and started to rub her face on it. First towards the right and then back and then to the left. She wanted to brush herself. How cute. Then she figured out that when I hold the brush for her I can reach the back of her head. So now she lets me brush her too. It really is a lot of fun.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment* is over.
Friday, February 17, 2006
How do you all do? I am well. Sorry Dawn, I don’t remember having any drama drawn out in front of me on Valentine’s Day. I did have one rude customer, he snapped his fingers at me(Hint: Never snap our fingers at your server, unless you want bad service). That’s right, I ignored them for pretty much the rest of the time they were there. I also had one girl that wouldn’t let me fix her meal, so she went hungry. Well, she ate off her boyfriends plate, which I could tell he was thrilled about. Sucka. But that was pretty much the only drama that took place. Unless you think an ex-boyfriend coming in with his new girlfriend. It was Martin(the blue hair boy). I think we dated for maybe a month. I didn’t recognize him because last I heard he had gone to Alberta. So I kept walking by his table. Finally I stopped and asked if he was who I thought he was. He said yes, Michelle. haha. I was so impressed that he remembered my name. He said that I had made an impression on him. I asked if it was a good one. haha. He said that one fine memory was of both of us walking around the fair making funny noises. Good times. That sounds like me. haha. Then my recent ex-boyfriend(Lanny) cousins came into the restaurant. It was fun though, I get along with them really well. But that was pretty much the only drama of the day.
On Wednesday I went to youth group and had a great time. I was wound up on sugar by the end of the evening and I was pretending that I was in speed skating as I ran around the island in the church’s kitchen. Some of the youth just stood there and watched me run. I was with-holding information from one youth and he was just standing there asking me what it was. But I just ran. Run Michelle Run. haha. I had a good time. I tried playing the piano that night and I suck. I haven’t played for at least 3 years. Yikes, rusty. But I had fun.
On Thursday, which was yesterday I decided that I was going to the gym. I worked until 6pm and I had taken my gym clothes with me to work. I don’t know if you’re like me, but I knew that if I came home I would see the couch and it has this power that just sucks you in. So I decided that I would resist this by not even coming home in between. mwahahaha. There are ways around it. So I went and ran my heart off. I had some stress from work to burn off. I work out better if I’m ticked about something. I don’t know why. It’s like I can run over it or something. So all those rude customers do have a purpose. They keep me energized for my run. haha. They are my fuel. I should say that to the next rude person I encounter. Thank you for your fuel. lol. That’s awesome. I’m totally doing that. After the gym I went grocery shopping. Don’t ever do this. Go shopping after the gym. You become a bully to yourself. Every time I would pick something up I was like, no, you just finished burning that off. Big meany I am to myself. I did get myself a few treats because I knew if I didn’t I would rebel like crazy and be so mad at myself.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*
She’s just nuts. There’s no new story that I can think about. Every day she’s doing something crazy. Today she’s found comfort on the table. I think it’s the tablecloth. She loves to cuddle with it. Weird. She’s more like a dog than a cat. Maybe it’s because I treat her like that. I don’t know what else to say. She’s weird, just like her owner. :)
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment* is over.
Well until next time. Peace Out.
On Wednesday I went to youth group and had a great time. I was wound up on sugar by the end of the evening and I was pretending that I was in speed skating as I ran around the island in the church’s kitchen. Some of the youth just stood there and watched me run. I was with-holding information from one youth and he was just standing there asking me what it was. But I just ran. Run Michelle Run. haha. I had a good time. I tried playing the piano that night and I suck. I haven’t played for at least 3 years. Yikes, rusty. But I had fun.
On Thursday, which was yesterday I decided that I was going to the gym. I worked until 6pm and I had taken my gym clothes with me to work. I don’t know if you’re like me, but I knew that if I came home I would see the couch and it has this power that just sucks you in. So I decided that I would resist this by not even coming home in between. mwahahaha. There are ways around it. So I went and ran my heart off. I had some stress from work to burn off. I work out better if I’m ticked about something. I don’t know why. It’s like I can run over it or something. So all those rude customers do have a purpose. They keep me energized for my run. haha. They are my fuel. I should say that to the next rude person I encounter. Thank you for your fuel. lol. That’s awesome. I’m totally doing that. After the gym I went grocery shopping. Don’t ever do this. Go shopping after the gym. You become a bully to yourself. Every time I would pick something up I was like, no, you just finished burning that off. Big meany I am to myself. I did get myself a few treats because I knew if I didn’t I would rebel like crazy and be so mad at myself.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*
She’s just nuts. There’s no new story that I can think about. Every day she’s doing something crazy. Today she’s found comfort on the table. I think it’s the tablecloth. She loves to cuddle with it. Weird. She’s more like a dog than a cat. Maybe it’s because I treat her like that. I don’t know what else to say. She’s weird, just like her owner. :)
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment* is over.
Well until next time. Peace Out.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Wow, it’s almost been 2 weeks since the last time I wrote in my blog. Sorry to all my fans that have been going through withdraw. The truth is that nothing really exciting has happened or nothing really worth writing about. Lets see, last week was fun on the Monday, I went out for coffee with Dave, Jodi and Barbie. Wednesday was fun, we had youth group and we played baseball in the sanctuary. Don’t worry it was with a ping pong ball and paddle. Good times. I won a prize for filling out the memory verse correctly. I’m Awesome! It’s like stealing candy from babies. (I sound like such a bully). Cool. haha. Just kidding. Last Friday I just stayed locked up in my house. I needed some alone time. Saturday my mom came to town and we went and ripped up the town. Not for real because the town is not made of paper, but that would have been really cool. We went for lunch at that’s not the only restaurant in town, but it’s the newest one. After lunch we went and did some shopping(one sales lady had a really bad attitude and it was kind of fun to make fun of it later you ever do that?) Then I went to work. Awesome fun. After work I went over to Dave’s house and hung out with Dave (we let him be there since it was HIS house) and Barbie, Jodi and Jodi. (Yes there are 2 Jodi’s I’m not repeating myself.) That was a lot of fun. We listened to this one riveting collection on CD. It was not only educational, classical and profound but it made me laugh so hard I almost peed my pants. What was it you ask? It was 99 different sounds of farts. Some of them were so stinkin’ funny.
That brings us to Sunday right? Ok, Sunday was fun. After church Barbie, Dave and myself went out to lunch. When I went to go and pay for my lunch Barbie told me that it was already taken care of. WHAT A SWEETHEART, she bought my lunch for me. (She bought Dave’s too!) Holla out to BARBIE!!!! That afternoon, I had just settled into my couch for a wonderful, well deserved nap and instead there was a knock at the door. I answered it to find my mom standing on the other side. Surprise, Mom’s in town. How fun. So we went and did a couple of things and then we went out for coffee at Humpty’s. Good times, good times. I had some wonderful French Vanilla tea (I’m being very detailed with what I drank because well, if you haven’t already tried this Lipton French Vanilla tea with two sugars and one cream, you simply haven’t lived yet! Ok, maybe you have lived but you haven’t spoiled yourself enough). My mom and I also shared a brownie supreme. It’s as good as it sounds. I should have taken a picture of it to show you. Next time!
After tea time with mom she took me home and I watched a very bad but halarious movie. It’s called Waiting. If you’re offended by the f-bomb. Don’t watch it. If you’re offended by nudity don’t watch it. If you’re offended by really really bad morals don’t watch it. But I found it so funny because working in a restaurant I could appreciate the humor. Then I went to young adults. Again, good times, good times. On Monday I had the whole day off, so what did I do? Nope I didn’t write a blog post. Instead I stayed in my pj’s all day. ALL DAY! I didn’t leave my house for anything. It was awesome. I watched movies and did whatever I wanted to do. My hands got really scratched up bad because I kept tormenting my poor cat. Here’s a picture of my hands. You can see for yourself.

Then yesterday, Tuesday, Valentine’s Day. What a fun day.(Sarcasm is inserted here). All I can say is working in a restaurant it’s one of the most stressful days of the year. We had four seatings during the evening. I was happy when I got to go home. My legs were are all wobbly. (That’s because I didn’t have time to sit down during my almost 9 hour shift). So what did I do to celebrate Valentines Day after I was done work? I did what any single gal would do. I got some good o’l burger king. That’s right, mmmmm...Whopper. And that brings us up to date. Hopefully, something will happen at youth group tonight and I can update the blog a lot sooner. :) Until next time. Peace Out.
That brings us to Sunday right? Ok, Sunday was fun. After church Barbie, Dave and myself went out to lunch. When I went to go and pay for my lunch Barbie told me that it was already taken care of. WHAT A SWEETHEART, she bought my lunch for me. (She bought Dave’s too!) Holla out to BARBIE!!!! That afternoon, I had just settled into my couch for a wonderful, well deserved nap and instead there was a knock at the door. I answered it to find my mom standing on the other side. Surprise, Mom’s in town. How fun. So we went and did a couple of things and then we went out for coffee at Humpty’s. Good times, good times. I had some wonderful French Vanilla tea (I’m being very detailed with what I drank because well, if you haven’t already tried this Lipton French Vanilla tea with two sugars and one cream, you simply haven’t lived yet! Ok, maybe you have lived but you haven’t spoiled yourself enough). My mom and I also shared a brownie supreme. It’s as good as it sounds. I should have taken a picture of it to show you. Next time!
After tea time with mom she took me home and I watched a very bad but halarious movie. It’s called Waiting. If you’re offended by the f-bomb. Don’t watch it. If you’re offended by nudity don’t watch it. If you’re offended by really really bad morals don’t watch it. But I found it so funny because working in a restaurant I could appreciate the humor. Then I went to young adults. Again, good times, good times. On Monday I had the whole day off, so what did I do? Nope I didn’t write a blog post. Instead I stayed in my pj’s all day. ALL DAY! I didn’t leave my house for anything. It was awesome. I watched movies and did whatever I wanted to do. My hands got really scratched up bad because I kept tormenting my poor cat. Here’s a picture of my hands. You can see for yourself.

Then yesterday, Tuesday, Valentine’s Day. What a fun day.(Sarcasm is inserted here). All I can say is working in a restaurant it’s one of the most stressful days of the year. We had four seatings during the evening. I was happy when I got to go home. My legs were are all wobbly. (That’s because I didn’t have time to sit down during my almost 9 hour shift). So what did I do to celebrate Valentines Day after I was done work? I did what any single gal would do. I got some good o’l burger king. That’s right, mmmmm...Whopper. And that brings us up to date. Hopefully, something will happen at youth group tonight and I can update the blog a lot sooner. :) Until next time. Peace Out.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
All Around the World in a Weekend
Wow! What a busy weekend I had. I traveled all around the world in only one evening. First I went to Iceland. 
That was really informative. Did you know that Iceland is made out of Lava? And the coldest it ever gets it -15 and the warmest it gets is plus 15. Interesting. After all I was traveling with Jodi, Barbie and Sandra. Sandra was kind of scared of Iceland. I found her hiding.

We can still see you Sandra. haha. After Iceland we hopped onto our locomotive and headed to El Salvador. When we got there we had just missed the show so we waited for 20 mins to grab the next one. It was really interesting except I couldn’t understand a thing the guy was saying. But the dancers were awesome. We learnt how to do the dances. It’s a lot of shaking your girls and hopping. After we left we couldn’t help but do the dances down the street back to our traveling devise. Next stop, my background, Scotland. Yay!!! The bagpipes were stupendous the dancers were marvelous what can I say, us Scots know how to party.

We stayed there the longest...I became a wee little monster and then we left. We went to some place I don’t know where. It was neat but I was so jetlagged that I needed to go home and rest.
The next day I went to work, I know what you’re thinking, I’m a machine. Do all that traveling all night long and still go to work in the am. Well, to tell you the truth, Brandon just had the winter festival where everyone presents different cultures and you can go and visit and learn about each one. It was really fun. After work on Saturday I came home and had a nap. Mmmmm....nap...good time. After I woke up I headed over to my friend Dave’s house and Jodi, Barbie, Dave and I had a conversation for a while and then we watched the movie Fantastic 4. Good movie, sick sappy love mushy crap at the end. Seriously, this movie went overboard on the cheesy stuff. But the funny stuff was really funny. Good movie over all. Ater the movie was over I went home and talked on the internet until 3am. When I woke up this morning I knew I told Barbie I was going to pick her up. When I left the house I knew I was going to pick up Barbie. I got in the car, knowing that I was going to Barbie’s house. I started to drive thinking I’m going to go to Barbie’s house. That’s when I realized I was heading to the church and Barbie lives the other way. haha. Blond moment. So I turned around and went and got Barbie. After church we went out to lunch. We went to Montannas. It was yummy, but I had to leave early. I had an appointment. For what you ask? This is where you get to vote again. Yay!!!!! I love voting. I wish I got to vote. I got to on Lauren’s blog. So fun!!! I voted long. I hope it wasn’t suppose to be a secret ballet because, well, I just told all of you what my vote was. Anywho, I got my hair done. I put some color into it and you get to vote on what you like better. My natural looks like this:

My new hairdo looks like this:

Now this is where you get to vote. Have fun. I hope you all had a great weekend. And don’t forget to comment! Until next time. Peace Out.

That was really informative. Did you know that Iceland is made out of Lava? And the coldest it ever gets it -15 and the warmest it gets is plus 15. Interesting. After all I was traveling with Jodi, Barbie and Sandra. Sandra was kind of scared of Iceland. I found her hiding.

We can still see you Sandra. haha. After Iceland we hopped onto our locomotive and headed to El Salvador. When we got there we had just missed the show so we waited for 20 mins to grab the next one. It was really interesting except I couldn’t understand a thing the guy was saying. But the dancers were awesome. We learnt how to do the dances. It’s a lot of shaking your girls and hopping. After we left we couldn’t help but do the dances down the street back to our traveling devise. Next stop, my background, Scotland. Yay!!! The bagpipes were stupendous the dancers were marvelous what can I say, us Scots know how to party.

We stayed there the longest...I became a wee little monster and then we left. We went to some place I don’t know where. It was neat but I was so jetlagged that I needed to go home and rest.
The next day I went to work, I know what you’re thinking, I’m a machine. Do all that traveling all night long and still go to work in the am. Well, to tell you the truth, Brandon just had the winter festival where everyone presents different cultures and you can go and visit and learn about each one. It was really fun. After work on Saturday I came home and had a nap. Mmmmm....nap...good time. After I woke up I headed over to my friend Dave’s house and Jodi, Barbie, Dave and I had a conversation for a while and then we watched the movie Fantastic 4. Good movie, sick sappy love mushy crap at the end. Seriously, this movie went overboard on the cheesy stuff. But the funny stuff was really funny. Good movie over all. Ater the movie was over I went home and talked on the internet until 3am. When I woke up this morning I knew I told Barbie I was going to pick her up. When I left the house I knew I was going to pick up Barbie. I got in the car, knowing that I was going to Barbie’s house. I started to drive thinking I’m going to go to Barbie’s house. That’s when I realized I was heading to the church and Barbie lives the other way. haha. Blond moment. So I turned around and went and got Barbie. After church we went out to lunch. We went to Montannas. It was yummy, but I had to leave early. I had an appointment. For what you ask? This is where you get to vote again. Yay!!!!! I love voting. I wish I got to vote. I got to on Lauren’s blog. So fun!!! I voted long. I hope it wasn’t suppose to be a secret ballet because, well, I just told all of you what my vote was. Anywho, I got my hair done. I put some color into it and you get to vote on what you like better. My natural looks like this:

My new hairdo looks like this:

Now this is where you get to vote. Have fun. I hope you all had a great weekend. And don’t forget to comment! Until next time. Peace Out.

Friday, February 03, 2006
I got tagged....but I'm a fast runner
I am one of the chosen ones. How exciting is that. I’m pretty pumped. At the end of this I’m going to pass the opportunity on to either one or two people... I haven’t decided yet. I am to do a four things meme. What is this you the end you will understand.
Four Jobs I’ve Had:(my favorite ones)
a) The Green Olive(my current job - I love it)
b) Humpty’s Family Restaurant
c) WareHouse One The Jean Store
d) Ricki’s
Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over
a) Ever After
b) The Emperor’s New Groove(stinkin halarious)
c) 50 First Dates
d) Office Space
Four Places I’ve Lived
a) Abbotsford (Born and Raised)
b) Kelowna (The Teen Years)
c) The Dorms at WPBC
d) Brandon, Manitoba
Four T.V shows I love
a) Trading Spouses(so funny)
b) Dr. Phil
c) CSI
d) Oprah
Four Places I’ve Vacationed
a) California (DisneyLand...during the big earthquake...funny story)
b) Estonia(blast and a half...yum cheese soup)
c) London, England(debriefing time)
d) Under The Moon
Four of my Favorite Foods
a) Ice Cream
b) Broccoli and Cheddar Caserole
c) Cookies
d) BBQ Chicken
Four Web Sites I visit Daily
Four Albums I Like A Lot
a) Jakalope
b) Bangles
c) Homemade edition
d) My photo Album
Four Cars I’ve Owned
(I’ll start with the most recent)
a) Geo Tracker 1994(My Barbie Jeep)
I think it would be neat to put on pink flower stickers
b) Mazda GLC sport(1985)
(I could write an entire blogpost about (b) and (c) cars.
c) Nissan Micra (1986)
d) My Bike
Four Places I’d Rather Be Right Now
a) Estonia(it’s really nice there)
b) Hawaii (I’ve always wanted to go
c) Disney World (Mooo)
d) Mexico (I feel called to go there and work with kids)
This has been a lot of fun. I hope you had a good time too. I wonder if you learnt something about me you didn’t know before. Trust me the car story that I’ll blog about later is kind of funny. Ok, not it. I just tagged Lauren from Africa and Jonathan my North American ally. Run with it and have fun. You’re both it and it’s not freeze tag. Can’t wait to read it from you both. Until next time
Peace Out!
Four Jobs I’ve Had:(my favorite ones)
a) The Green Olive(my current job - I love it)
b) Humpty’s Family Restaurant
c) WareHouse One The Jean Store
d) Ricki’s
Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over
a) Ever After
b) The Emperor’s New Groove(stinkin halarious)
c) 50 First Dates
d) Office Space
Four Places I’ve Lived
a) Abbotsford (Born and Raised)
b) Kelowna (The Teen Years)
c) The Dorms at WPBC
d) Brandon, Manitoba
Four T.V shows I love
a) Trading Spouses(so funny)
b) Dr. Phil
c) CSI
d) Oprah
Four Places I’ve Vacationed
a) California (DisneyLand...during the big earthquake...funny story)
b) Estonia(blast and a half...yum cheese soup)
c) London, England(debriefing time)
d) Under The Moon
Four of my Favorite Foods
a) Ice Cream
b) Broccoli and Cheddar Caserole
c) Cookies
d) BBQ Chicken
Four Web Sites I visit Daily
Four Albums I Like A Lot
a) Jakalope
b) Bangles
c) Homemade edition
d) My photo Album
Four Cars I’ve Owned
(I’ll start with the most recent)
a) Geo Tracker 1994(My Barbie Jeep)
I think it would be neat to put on pink flower stickers
b) Mazda GLC sport(1985)
(I could write an entire blogpost about (b) and (c) cars.
c) Nissan Micra (1986)
d) My Bike
Four Places I’d Rather Be Right Now
a) Estonia(it’s really nice there)
b) Hawaii (I’ve always wanted to go
c) Disney World (Mooo)
d) Mexico (I feel called to go there and work with kids)
This has been a lot of fun. I hope you had a good time too. I wonder if you learnt something about me you didn’t know before. Trust me the car story that I’ll blog about later is kind of funny. Ok, not it. I just tagged Lauren from Africa and Jonathan my North American ally. Run with it and have fun. You’re both it and it’s not freeze tag. Can’t wait to read it from you both. Until next time
Peace Out!
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
I'm Back (part 4)
Ok, that brings us to Monday. I got off work at about 2pm. I came home and relaxed for a while and passed out half way through Dr. Phil. I woke up to Oprah’s voice and decided that I had no desire to watch. So I crawled into my bed and went back to sleep. I had a strange dream with a song that didn’t really fit. When I woke up I thought I better check to see if I had missed a call because I recognized the song in my dream as the ring tone on my phone. I had in fact missed a call. It was from my friend Barbie. I phoned her and there was no answer. I phoned my friend Jodi’s cell phone, still no answer. I called Dave’s phone, again, no answer. So I started to read my daily news, my sisters blog. When I was half way done reading her post the phone rang. It was Barbie. She said that when I phoned Barbie and then Jodi they had both seen because they were talking to each other. Jodi was already on her way to pick me up because we were all going for dinner. We went to Humpty’s on the hill. We talked about our first kiss. (Mine was when I was 19). I don’t count the ones with Eric Kuebler because we were so young. (4-8 years old). I know my sister really well, and I have a feeling that she’s going to start listing off embarrassing moments for me. If she wasn’t even thinking of it, now for sure she will. Anyways, that brings us to Tuesday. Yesterday. After I was done work I called my friend Jeff. I bribed him with cookies if he came over. When he got here I was tempted to tell him that he could have the cookies on the computer but instead I made him some real yummy cookies for fixing my computer. After hours of working on my computer he went home and I relaxed and went to bed. That brings us to Wednesday but I’ll save that for tomorrow. I have to leave you in some suspense. (Thank you other Michelle for the great tip. I took your advice and it works.)
Until next time. Peace Out!
Until next time. Peace Out!
Ok, that brings us to Monday. I got off work at about 2pm. I came home and relaxed for a while and passed out half way through Dr. Phil. I woke up to Oprah’s voice and decided that I had no desire to watch. So I crawled into my bed and went back to sleep. I had a strange dream with a song that didn’t really fit. When I woke up I thought I better check to see if I had missed a call because I recognized the song in my dream as the ring tone on my phone. I had in fact missed a call. It was from my friend Barbie. I phoned her and there was no answer. I phoned my friend Jodi’s cell phone, still no answer. I called Dave’s phone, again, no answer. So I started to read my daily news, my sisters blog. When I was half way done reading her post the phone rang. It was Barbie. She said that when I phoned Barbie and then Jodi they had both seen because they were talking to each other. Jodi was already on her way to pick me up because we were all going for dinner. We went to Humpty’s on the hill. We talked about our first kiss. (Mine was when I was 19). I don’t count the ones with Eric Kuebler because we were so young. (4-8 years old). I know my sister really well, and I have a feeling that she’s going to start listing off embarrassing moments for me. If she wasn’t even thinking of it, now for sure she will. Anyways, that brings us to Tuesday. Yesterday. After I was done work I called my friend Jeff. I bribed him with cookies if he came over. When he got here I was tempted to tell him that he could have the cookies on the computer but instead I made him some real yummy cookies for fixing my computer. After hours of working on my computer he went home and I relaxed and went to bed. That brings us to Wednesday but I’ll save that for tomorrow. I have to leave you in some suspense. (Thank you other Michelle for the great tip. I took your advice and it works.)
Until next time. Peace Out!
Until next time. Peace Out!
I'm Back (Part 3)
When I got home from the restaurant I was welcomed by a message on my answering machine. It was from my mom. She said she didn't know if she was going to come to town or not. When I phoned her she had decided not to come. We talked for a while and then I told her that my new computer desk was really frustrating because the screws wouldn't go into the wood part for me. She asked if I wanted her to come to town with her power tools. Who could turn down that offer? She arrived here within 45mins. (It's suppose to be at least an hour drive). Can we say lead foot? When she got here we went and did some shopping. When we were done the shopping we came back to my place and I played with the power tools. Mom said that was a scary sight. I was making some comments and making weird mwahhahahaha laughter noises. I told her that's why they won't let me be a dentist. I told her that I should be in construction and she said that nothing would get done then. I don't know what that was suppose to mean. Yeah, putting my desk together took a long time, but it got finished. There was also one point when I used my legs and feet to whip stuff up to my hands. She thought this was weird. She said that they certainly didn't have those kind of moves on a construction site. I remember having these kind of competitions with my sister growing up. Picking up ones socks with your toes and then flipping it up to your hands. Or having contests on who could spread their baby toe out the furthest. You're doing this now aren't you? It's ok, admit it. It's fun!!
After the desk was all set up we watched a movie. We watched Flight Plan. I thought this movie was suppose to be scary, but it wasn't. It was a good movie don't get me wrong I enjoyed it. I just thought it was suppose to be scary. After the movie was over, Mom headed home and I headed to Bible Study. I was late because of the movie but it was worth it. When I arrived they were just finishing the study. Afterwards we all just sat around and talked. It was a good time. That was the end of my Sunday.
After the desk was all set up we watched a movie. We watched Flight Plan. I thought this movie was suppose to be scary, but it wasn't. It was a good movie don't get me wrong I enjoyed it. I just thought it was suppose to be scary. After the movie was over, Mom headed home and I headed to Bible Study. I was late because of the movie but it was worth it. When I arrived they were just finishing the study. Afterwards we all just sat around and talked. It was a good time. That was the end of my Sunday.
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